Volledige versie bekijken : Love bites, a bug report

4 augustus 2008, 19:20
What is the worst thing that can happen upon a FKK visit? What is your greatest fear? Having your picture taken? Falling in love? STDs? Physical violence caused by dispute with management? Being involved in a police raid or robbery by a criminal gang? If you are a nervous type, here is another thing to add to your list.

I arrived in the afternoon and wanted to catch some sun in the garden before starting my dirty deeds. Suddenly there was something tickling my cock. Instinct is to scratch so I started to move hand towards the region. I had barley started moving when it began to hurt. Oh no. When my hand reached the area the pain many folded. I whisked the hand around and some creep flew away. Could not see what. The pain was so intense I could not even move for a minute or so. Of course the shock also contributed. When I unfroze I reached down to look for injuries. Nothing could be seen but guess where the pain was most intense? I had been bitten on the top of my glans! What are the odds?

What to do? I thought about approaching reception and ask for first aid kit. But for what purpose? They are probably used to people ODing drugs but not bee stings. And I was not even sure it was a bee as I found no sting. Why? What was the motive? I luuuve animals, especially beavers. Ok I might spank the monkey once in a while but it is all in good fun. Why was I attacked without cause? A female animal would not have done that to me... Was it a male insect? Gay, since it was so close to my cock? It just made no sense. I am actually leaning towards the scenario in the book Deception Point…..

Should I go home without sex? No, entry was already paid so I decided to stick around. If worst came to worst I would just perv around, ogling naked girls. Even if the pain gradually decreased, it still hurt like hell. (And continued to do so for almost 24 hours.) I lay still trying to recover. Really, life is unfair. After all I had a towel wrapped around me while other guys sunbathing in the nude were not attacked.

After two hours I got bored. I got a painkiller from a friend and moved toward the bar. Would I be able to have sex? Would the pain increase when I got a hard on? Could I even achieve a hard on? Would I perhaps be rejected by a girl when she suspected an STD upon inspection? Nevertheless I saw that one of the top acts (that delivers a soft BJ) was available. Yes, a soft BJ seemed of utmost importance at the time…. I approached her and confessed my status and told her to be extra careful. In the room she took out her mobile phone/camera and used the light to inspect my cock. It was approved :-)

The show started. I got a hard on. Check. Turned out I could fuck. Check. After a while even the pain disappeared, or at least I did not notice. Finally a cumshot like normal. Check. Though, after the cumshot the pain came back. Oh well, at least I survived to tell.