Volledige versie bekijken : Determinants of the newbie paysexperience

21 december 2008, 22:30
I have done some thinking about what determines the experience in an FKK club as an infrequent guest or newbie. How come some posters are treated well where others say they get ripped off? After a few years of analysis this is what I came up with. You need as many as possible of these determinants if you are a newbie (with time you will drift towards them whether you like it or not)

You are an α-male. If that is the case nothing else matters. You can handle any woman no matter what.. Of course I am not sure why you would need P4P so this is only of theoretical interest. For sure an alphamale does not participate in internet foras. That would be a contradiction in terms.:p

You need experience in the P4P scene. You must be familiar with the requests, questions and stuff that frequently occur. You should not raise an eyebrow when you see a butt naked girl, even if she shoves her pussy in your face. Nothing can throw you off. You are cool, calm and collected. Never embarrassed. You know all the extras and prices, you only need to validate them with the girls. WIth experience you also learn signals to look for that can either warn you or put you at ease.

You need a social alibi. Either come in the company of friends (unless they look like aliens). It is ten times more likely to get ripped of if you are alone. Another possibility is that there is a girl in the club that “likes” you so that other girls can observe that you are approved.


It also helps to visit in a normal weekday instead of a weekend. More guests equals higher chance of substandard service. At least for the newbie.

Any comments? Have I forgotten something?

Picasso 1
21 december 2008, 22:50
In theory most of the writers here think they are an a-male (1).
In practice when any one of us gets turned on by a beautifull lady then each one of us depends on luck (4), no matter how much experience we have.

Specially the sexgods here depend at those moments on luck :D.

Local Hero
21 december 2008, 23:03
In theory most of the writers here think they are an a-male (1).
In practice when any one of us gets turned on by a beautifull lady then each one of us depends on luck (4), no matter how much experience we have.

Specially the sexgods here depend at those moments on luck :D.

Hahahaaa Picas, de eerste vlieg van de YBF is al tegen de lamp gevlogen.
Everhard bedoelt juist dat als je een alfa mannetje bent, je niets te zoeken hebt in internet forums. Het een spreekt het ander tegen.
Geef toch gewoon toe dat je maar een kladschilder bent Picas ;)

21 december 2008, 23:11
Have I forgotten something?

5. patience!!!!

6. resilience

7. momentum

8. stamina

Picasso 1
21 december 2008, 23:11
Geef toch gewoon toe dat je maar een kladschilder bent Picas ;)

Ik kom daar openlijk voor uit :D.
Nu nog enkele sexgoden over de streep trekken :teuflisch.

29 december 2008, 03:51
How come some posters are treated well where others say they get ripped off?

In all cases (not too many, fortunately :D) where I was 'ripped off' I had been thinking with my third leg only, fueled by testosterone.

In other cases, I treat the lady well, and that is reciprocated.

My conclusion: if you're ripped too often in your experience, you shouldn't be allowed in any p4p club :eek:. You're simply not up to the task, and are an accident waiting to happen. :rofl:

1 januari 2009, 11:31
are you saying you are contradicting my scientific :green_smi findings?
May I ask if you visit alone, and if so, are you treated in the same (good) way now as when you started your saunaclub career? No improvements what so ever? I know that some people tend to forget that once upon a time they were crawling on the floor, not walking on their legs. ;)

You're simply not up to the taskI realise I go OT on my own thread:o, but what is "the task"? IMHO, one could argue that we are visiting these clubs precisely because we are not up to the task. We prefer the easy route to sex:teuflisch
You would have a hard time convincing me that walking up a hill equals mountain climbing... though I agree that there are some people (elderly, sick or handicapped) that would find walking up a hill even too much effort.

13 januari 2009, 04:49
Hi Everhard,

Sorry for replying so late, I didn't look at this thread for some time.

Yes I am contradicting your scientific findings. Either I am not part of your research group, or your research has serious flaws, or I'm a big liar. Take your pick :D.

I went many times alone to the p4p clubs in Germany. Other times I met with club friends there.

Looking back, my way of treating the ladies, and they treating me, hasn't changed much from when I started. The frequency of times that my third leg took full command of my thinking ability has decreased significantly however, and linearly with that the number of 'bad experiences'.

I've stated before, and state again: if you make your choices purely based on hormones, chances that you'll have a bad experience, or even worse ripped off, increase. I take the time to chat a little with a lady before I decide to go with her to the room. The great thing about saunaclubs is that you can actually do so, in contrast with ladies behind windows, or private clubs where you have to choose a lady you only see for 10 seconds or so.

The learning curve for using your brains together with your hormones is not so steep. Some learn it in one visit, others never :eek:. The latter are in my opinion not up to the task of having great sex in a saunaclub, and should not be allowed to walk alone in a saunaclub. 'It's dangerous out there...' :D

18 januari 2009, 13:53
Sorry for replying so late, I didn't look at this thread for some time.No problem Zakkenleger, what's the hurry really.

First, I must say I think it is very normal to get better at something with practice, including this hobby. In this case it simply must be that you are the exception if you do not improve, albeit from a high level of skill.

I've stated before, and state again: if you make your choices purely based on hormones, chances that you'll have a bad experience, or even worse ripped off, increase. I take the time to chat a little with a lady before I decide to go with her to the room. The great thing about saunaclubs is that you can actually do so, in contrast with ladies behind windows, or private clubs where you have to choose a lady you only see for 10 seconds or so.You are probably correct. My sample consisted of people with high level of sexual hormones. Had their level been lower, they probably would have been better at controlling themselves. For what it's worth. I cannot remember been having ripped off in Amsterdam RLD (of course, adjusting for the lower level of service) going with my core type of woman, even considering time for decision <10 sec. When it has occurred it has been because either I wanted something new, another type of woman. Or it happened when I thought "Wow if I can get this type of treatment from a model girl that I desire, how good could it not be if I chose a more ordinary looking girl?". Do you think this was successful? :nee: :hammer:

I am also reconsidering my earlier statement. Point 2 could probably as well be rephrased as negotiating skill. You cannot show interest in something you desire. An advantage would be to have professional experience in negotiating when starting with FKK-clubbing.