Volledige versie bekijken : Hobby hokkers in Maastricht region?

Peter Piper
24 maart 2010, 16:31
Hi guys, I am just visiting your forum and will be visiting Maastricht, soon.

Researching for some "evening entertainment" I did end up with lots of clones of the "Erotikgids" that make you pay to get addresses of girls/escorts.

Is there any internet platform where you can get in contact with "hobby hooker girls" for free?

Or does someone even have a tip for the Maastricht region? I am usually aiming at young, slim girls ...


2 april 2010, 14:56
He Peter,
you can visit www.kinky.nl.
its in dutch but i am sure you can find what ever you want.

Peter Piper
8 juli 2010, 14:36

18 juli 2010, 20:35
Zie Maastricht Prive, Jodenstraat Maastricht

29 augustus 2011, 16:44
Visit Blind Date sexbios
Hoenderstraat 12 Maastricht

13 november 2011, 13:06
For an erotic massage Massagewereld Maastricht grote gracht ( in the center of the city)