Volledige versie bekijken : Aylice (Bulgaarse)

vrije jongen
14 september 2015, 18:28

Aylice (Bulgaarse)
Leeftijd:20 jaarTaal:Engels (matig)
Lengte:1.60 m - 1.65 mPostuur:Normaal
Kleur ogen:BruinHerhalingsgevaar:https://www.ijsberenforum.com/img/michelj/paspoortgenerator/4sterren.jpg

Prijs:50 euroTijdsduur:30 minuten
Service:NMC, PZC, Tongzoenen, pussysliden
Extra info:Goede clubstandaard die je heden ten dage helaas niet meer als "standaard" kunt bestempelen.

27 september 2015, 17:17
Nationality / spoken languages: Bulgarian from Plovdiv / English Level 1, German 0
Age: 19 years
Face: Very nice, a little youngish, cute smile
Hair: Brown and smooth
Size: Average
Chest: Average
Figure / Body: Pretty GND, a little heavy for me
Tattoos - Piercings: Nothing
Blowjob: Yes, she loves slobbering
Cunni: Yes
Kiss: Yes, very avid in the room, clogs a little "too much"
Other Features: Highly recommended by my new German friend(who attends the club 2 times a week), we met the day before in Oase, I reserved myself for her. :tongue:
A little young (1st club it seems) in her head, but charming.
As the time of my departure was approaching and she longed to go on stage, I went to flush her out with help of a colleague.
Rather seduced, i have not taken too long to pack her on a sofa, with hot(and free) kisses for a good 15 minutes.:baeh:
The room was in the same tone, without taboos, a little "sex machine" on her side.
We ended...totally soaked and rather happy.
Her level of service is not so high despite a total commitment, but we will surely develop all that...:rolleyes:

24 maart 2016, 22:17
Since early 2016, she has enhanced silicon boobs...:frown: