José Beauvit
1 januari 2007, 21:14
Hi everybody.
This message is a copy of the one I sent two months ago on ISG, but I thought it might interest some readers of this forum as well.
I have some knowledge of brothels in several cities of Poland, included Wrocław, which I am glad to share with you a little.
First of all, as most of you probably know already, brothels in Poland hide themselves behind other appellations, more neutral, for proxenetism and even prostitution are theoretically prohibited in this country. The most usual appellations for brothels are the following : night club, klub nocny (which actually means night club in polish langage) and agencja towarzyska (meetings agencies). Kluby nocne are often more expensive than agencje towarzyskie, because they are supposed to provide some entertainment alos, whereas agencje towarzyskie are merely brothels, providing sexual services only. But sometimes the difference lies only in the words used : for instance, Bonanza, which is settled in the center city of Łódź, is an agencja towarzyska in daylight and a klub nocny at night…
In Wrocław, I have tested for you these last years two brothels : the klub Moulin rouge and the agencja towarzyska Pretty Women (no need to translate these appellations, I guess…).
1) Klub Moulin Rouge (
This club is located in the very center of Wrocław, ulica Szewska 74, at about five minutes walk from the Rynek (market place of the old city) : see plan attached to this message). It is settled in a large and fine flat, at the 5th and last floor of a building which has a elevator up to the 4th floor, fortunately :hah: . The club is opened all the time, night and day. The rooms are large and pleasing, there are two bathrooms, one of them, which I used, has a very large bath where you can have some pleasant time with the girl you chose – which I had indeed.
I visited this place two years ago in summer and only one girl was available, young and inexperienced. I do not see much interest of describing in details the encounter, since, on one hand, I doubt she still works in this place and, on the other hand, the service she performed was not so much to remember. The prices were 100 pln for one hour (about 24 €), 50 pln for half and hour, but they are possibly higher now. Anal sex is charged 50 pln more, with the girls who agree to perform it. I advise you not to order for drinks in the large lounge bar, even if the girl insists on getting one, suggesting you could have together some pleasant social time before sex in the bedroom, since these drinks are quite expensive. You must also be aware of added costs which seem to be sometimes required, although they ought not to be : the girl with whom I went to the room tried to charge me with an additional cost of 50 pln for BJ, although the kierowniczka (“manageress”) had told me before that it was included in the price of 100 pln. Of course, I firmly refused to pay more to the girl, arguing that only BBBJ is usually charged with an additional cost in Poland. In conclusion, it seemed to me that you must be aware in the club, in order to pay no more than you intended to, if not to be ripped of.
2) Agencja towarzyska Pretty Women
This “office” is located ulica Skwierzyńska 20/2, tél. 071/332-71-05. I visited it last august. It is settled in a large flat, in an old shabby building located in a residential area about one mile and half far from the old city and the Rynek. It is opened all the time, night and day. The number or girls is about twelve, divided in two shifts, the day shift and the night shift, as it is usual in agencje towarzyskie. Agencja towarzyska Pretty Women has no web page and is nowhere announced on the frontage of the building. You just have to ring by pushing the n° 2 button and the front door will open, you go in the building, then the flat is on the ground floor, on the right, and a girl will open you the door.
The prices are quite reasonnable : 80 pln (20 €) half an hour ; 100 pln (25 €) one hour, illimited number of sexual intercourses, BJ included in the price, 20 pln (if I well remember) additionally charged for BBBJ ; drink as mineral water or fruit juce is included in the price. The girls available the day of my visit, in the afternoon, where five ou six, most of them youg and pretty, one Ukrainian, the others poles.
I chose Danka, a polish girl of 30, but looking younger, blond haired, blue eyes, lovely face, nice breasts, nice body, talkative and well educated, for a session of one hour, 100 pln mineral water included (it was very hot in Wrocław that day). After I got a shower in the bathroom somewhat decayed but clean, I went to a dark but rather large room. Danka performed a very good and professional BJ. We had twice sexual intercourses in various positions. She also did me a quite pleasant massage. In short, the job was really worth the price. Although the place is much less luxurious, I would recommend to visit Pretty Women preferably to Moulin Rouge, taking into account the choice of girls and the service provided.
Best regards.
This message is a copy of the one I sent two months ago on ISG, but I thought it might interest some readers of this forum as well.
I have some knowledge of brothels in several cities of Poland, included Wrocław, which I am glad to share with you a little.
First of all, as most of you probably know already, brothels in Poland hide themselves behind other appellations, more neutral, for proxenetism and even prostitution are theoretically prohibited in this country. The most usual appellations for brothels are the following : night club, klub nocny (which actually means night club in polish langage) and agencja towarzyska (meetings agencies). Kluby nocne are often more expensive than agencje towarzyskie, because they are supposed to provide some entertainment alos, whereas agencje towarzyskie are merely brothels, providing sexual services only. But sometimes the difference lies only in the words used : for instance, Bonanza, which is settled in the center city of Łódź, is an agencja towarzyska in daylight and a klub nocny at night…
In Wrocław, I have tested for you these last years two brothels : the klub Moulin rouge and the agencja towarzyska Pretty Women (no need to translate these appellations, I guess…).
1) Klub Moulin Rouge (
This club is located in the very center of Wrocław, ulica Szewska 74, at about five minutes walk from the Rynek (market place of the old city) : see plan attached to this message). It is settled in a large and fine flat, at the 5th and last floor of a building which has a elevator up to the 4th floor, fortunately :hah: . The club is opened all the time, night and day. The rooms are large and pleasing, there are two bathrooms, one of them, which I used, has a very large bath where you can have some pleasant time with the girl you chose – which I had indeed.
I visited this place two years ago in summer and only one girl was available, young and inexperienced. I do not see much interest of describing in details the encounter, since, on one hand, I doubt she still works in this place and, on the other hand, the service she performed was not so much to remember. The prices were 100 pln for one hour (about 24 €), 50 pln for half and hour, but they are possibly higher now. Anal sex is charged 50 pln more, with the girls who agree to perform it. I advise you not to order for drinks in the large lounge bar, even if the girl insists on getting one, suggesting you could have together some pleasant social time before sex in the bedroom, since these drinks are quite expensive. You must also be aware of added costs which seem to be sometimes required, although they ought not to be : the girl with whom I went to the room tried to charge me with an additional cost of 50 pln for BJ, although the kierowniczka (“manageress”) had told me before that it was included in the price of 100 pln. Of course, I firmly refused to pay more to the girl, arguing that only BBBJ is usually charged with an additional cost in Poland. In conclusion, it seemed to me that you must be aware in the club, in order to pay no more than you intended to, if not to be ripped of.
2) Agencja towarzyska Pretty Women
This “office” is located ulica Skwierzyńska 20/2, tél. 071/332-71-05. I visited it last august. It is settled in a large flat, in an old shabby building located in a residential area about one mile and half far from the old city and the Rynek. It is opened all the time, night and day. The number or girls is about twelve, divided in two shifts, the day shift and the night shift, as it is usual in agencje towarzyskie. Agencja towarzyska Pretty Women has no web page and is nowhere announced on the frontage of the building. You just have to ring by pushing the n° 2 button and the front door will open, you go in the building, then the flat is on the ground floor, on the right, and a girl will open you the door.
The prices are quite reasonnable : 80 pln (20 €) half an hour ; 100 pln (25 €) one hour, illimited number of sexual intercourses, BJ included in the price, 20 pln (if I well remember) additionally charged for BBBJ ; drink as mineral water or fruit juce is included in the price. The girls available the day of my visit, in the afternoon, where five ou six, most of them youg and pretty, one Ukrainian, the others poles.
I chose Danka, a polish girl of 30, but looking younger, blond haired, blue eyes, lovely face, nice breasts, nice body, talkative and well educated, for a session of one hour, 100 pln mineral water included (it was very hot in Wrocław that day). After I got a shower in the bathroom somewhat decayed but clean, I went to a dark but rather large room. Danka performed a very good and professional BJ. We had twice sexual intercourses in various positions. She also did me a quite pleasant massage. In short, the job was really worth the price. Although the place is much less luxurious, I would recommend to visit Pretty Women preferably to Moulin Rouge, taking into account the choice of girls and the service provided.
Best regards.