Volledige versie bekijken : Saskia (Roemeense)

9 februari 2016, 10:48
Nationality / languages: Romanian from Constanta / English Level 1, not very comfortable
Age: 22 years
Face: Very nice
Hair: Brown and silky
Chest: Very nice
Silhouette / body: Top, flawless
Tattoo - Piercing: Nothing in my memory
Blowjob: Yes, pleasing visually
Cunnilingus: No, it required an extra, I did not expect that! :angryfire:
She stroked herself to tease me, but my sense of smell allowed me to regret nothing
Kiss: Yes, no problem with DFK
Other features: There for two days when i met her, she comes from YY with 3 years in business.
She must have already a passport somewhere. ;)
Better be warned than sorry, she is an extras hunter, and it will not last long in Samya i guess, be careful.
Her performance is nothing memorable to say the least, she moves pretty badly without much sensuality.
But after all, it was still fun technically wise.
Despite her craftiness, she was inevitable... :redface: