Volledige versie bekijken : Lets speak about clients

27 maart 2023, 04:44
Hello , I am Debora for the people who don’t know me I am a girl who workes in Sharks. You surprise me all the time when i get on these forums and read what you are posting here about my colleagues and sometimes about me. I see so many complainings about the prices and about the girls behavior but before to judge only these topics had you put only one time in the shoes of one of us? All of you want a “perfect” girl, perfect body, best service, and cheapest price … but what about you? How many of you respect the women ? Let’s talk a little bit about also the men that we must dealing with . Many of you became very rude . I go many times trying to start a conversation smiling and friendly and i do not have time to finish to say hello and the answer is directly no. After there are so many men that effectively stink , they probably have an allergy for water and soap and after come to us and say “ i want girlfriend experience with french kisses and blowjob without condom “ , scuze me but how do you expect from a girl to offer you this when you come dirty and you smell like an onion?? Have you ever tried to be gentlemen and make sure a girl is feeling also comfortable while she is with you ? Most of you see and treat us just as some sex toys you forget we are women. You expect best quality in exchange of what?

27 maart 2023, 09:15
Dear Debora,

your message is well appreciated.

I completely agree with you that a lack of hygiene and rudeness are among are the biggest no-no's. I often wonder about some of the things that you have detailed above. Unfortunately, many people have no self awareness or frankly don't care.

And while I found the girls that I have come into contact with always in a state of immaculate hygiene, I sometimes receive rude reactions if I try to decline an approach by a working lady. I don't know about the procedure in Sharks, but in some clubs and by some working ladies the approach feels like an 'assault' to press the client to go to a room. In principle, men enjoy a lady's company, but in the back of our heads we know the women approach us to get into business. A seemingly harsh and early uttered "no" might come across as rude, but in could just be designed to spare the lady the hassle to invest her energy in a hopeless case. For example, I find it rude if a man uses up a big chunk of a woman's time just to decide not to go to a room with her.

I realize that we polar bears can be frustrating to deal with, but always remember that you and your colleagues are deeply appreciated (why would we visit a club in the first place?).

Picasso 1
27 maart 2023, 09:20
Ze zit op het verkeerde forum. Hier gaat bijna niemand naar toeristenclub Sharks. Ze kan beter op een forum voor toeristen haar gal spuien.

27 maart 2023, 09:46
Ze spreekt natuurlijk namens alle dames in alle clubs. Gelukkig zitten hier op het forum alleen super hygiënische mannen. Ik heb bijvoorbeeld een niet nader te noemen forumlid zo’n beetje de tanden uit zijn mond zien raggen met een tandenborstel na het baffen! ;)

De dronken bezoekers die ik heb gezien waren ook nooit lid van dit forum. En er gaat nooit een kamer alarm af bij onze forumleden.

27 maart 2023, 10:07
I assume this is your passport https://www.ijsberenforum.com/forum/showthread.php?59245-Deborah-(Roemeense)

Correct me if I am wrong but I don’t see any complaints. Please be our guest to complain about Mechelen. :cool:

27 maart 2023, 11:06
Echt niet allemaal onzin wat Debora geschreven heeft!

27 maart 2023, 12:21
een dvp uit sharks die in perfect engels op nederlandstalig forum komt schrijven????
de uitleg is misscien juist maar niet geschreven door een dvp!!!
@Willem en Big; dat jullie zulke onzin doorlaten:hammer:

27 maart 2023, 12:40
Ze zit op het verkeerde forum. Hier gaat bijna niemand naar toeristenclub Sharks. Ze kan beter op een forum voor toeristen haar gal spuien.

Ik dacht ook altijd dat er nauwelijks forumleden naar Sharks gaan, maar dat was toch niet zo?

...Vrije jongen, Kempie en Brian Boitano,...Noglangnietuitgewandeld, Beron, Vankees, Klapkrat, Vazkor, Ascari, etc. etc.

Maar met deze dame is er nu een rechtstreeks kanaal om als wederwoord de gal te spuwen over upsell praktijken die niet in verhouding zijn met de optics ;)

Picasso 1
27 maart 2023, 12:56
Ik dacht ook altijd dat er nauwelijks forumleden naar Sharks gaan, maar dat was toch niet zo?

Was inderdaad niet zo maar inmiddels wel. Je onderschat je eigen ouwe-lullen-syndroom verklaring....

De Romeinen klaagden over de jeugd van tegenwoordig en dat het vroeger toch beter was op dat vlak... Bij de vraag of het vroeger beter was, loert het ouwe-lul-syndroom natuurlijk altijd om de hoek.

27 maart 2023, 13:06
een dvp uit sharks die in perfect engels op nederlandstalig forum komt schrijven????
de uitleg is misscien juist maar niet geschreven door een dvp!!!
@Willem en Big; dat jullie zulke onzin doorlaten:hammer:

Ik heb dat maar een keer doorgelaten zodat je maandag wat te doen hebt.

27 maart 2023, 13:28
een dvp uit sharks die in perfect engels op nederlandstalig forum komt schrijven????
de uitleg is misscien juist maar niet geschreven door een dvp!!!
@Willem en Big; dat jullie zulke onzin doorlaten:hammer:
Zo perfect is dat Engels niet. Maar haar service wel volgens Mechelen.

27 maart 2023, 13:32
Was inderdaad niet zo maar inmiddels wel. Je onderschat je eigen ouwe-lullen-syndroom verklaring....

Dan had je moeten schrijven '...gaat bijna niemand meer naar toeristenclub Sharks', dan was het duidelijk dat het inmiddels wel zo is volgens jou. In deze onderschat ik mijn eigen verklaring niet. Ik vond het vroeger goed in Sharks en nu nog steeds.

27 maart 2023, 14:17
Ik heb dat maar een eer doorgelaten zodat je maandag wat te doen hebt.

Wel leuke topic voor een maandag :biggrin:

Picasso 1
27 maart 2023, 14:21
Wel leuke topic voor een maandag :biggrin:
Weer eens wat anders dan de live berichten over het leeg schrappen van de voederbakken in PHG. Ook PHG dames zijn trouwens welkom om dit topic over de klanten te komen klagen.

cameltoe slide
27 maart 2023, 14:36
een dvp uit sharks die in perfect engels op nederlandstalig forum komt schrijven????
de uitleg is misscien juist maar niet geschreven door een dvp!!!
@Willem en Big; dat jullie zulke onzin doorlaten:hammer:

Welkom in het tijdperk van gratis vertaalprogramma's op internet. Eenvoudig en makkelijk te gebruiken. Waarom zou je dat niet toevertrouwen aan een vrouw die in een saunaclub werkt? Trouwens, dit bericht is vertaald met deepl.com. Perfect, hoop ik. :wink2:

27 maart 2023, 14:42
Welkom in het tijdperk van internet. Eenvoudig en makkelijk te gebruiken. Waarom zou je dat niet toevertrouwen aan een vrouw die in een saunaclub werkt?

Omdat Das al een vermoeden had .... en nee het is geen vertaalprogramma ....

27 maart 2023, 14:52
Wat een nepbericht al niet teweeg kan brengen.
En het is nog geen 1 april.....

cameltoe slide
27 maart 2023, 15:30
You expect best quality in exchange of what?

The answer to the question is: money, money, money and much more money!

Dear Debora,

thank you for your contribution and your consideration of your working conditions.

Working in a sauna club is certainly not easy. That individual guests are not showered, smell unpleasantly or are unkempt is certainly to be criticised. Conversely, I often see women rejecting guests and not wanting to work with them. They are free entrepreneurs and decide for themselves which guest they want to accept or not.

Depending on how aggressively and how often I am approached by women in a sauna club who may be visually uninteresting to me or who just seem generally unappealing, my reactions can also be quite curt. I respect the fact that lost time can mean lost money for a working woman. Rejections are perceived as disappointing by both sides. But in a sauna club, the day is not about nice conversations but ultimately about money.

If only ugly men visit the Sharks, who are unkempt and have an unpleasant smell, I would think about changing the sauna club. Maybe that will help and they can work more pleasantly.

I wish you much success and continued good business!

27 maart 2023, 16:41
The answer to the question is: money, money, money and too much money!

see correction.

And no room-quality....

27 maart 2023, 17:48
Dear Deborah,

I do agree with your post. I am very aware of the things you women sometimes have to deal with but i don’t understand why you are upset that some men directly say no. You don’t have to waste your time on them.

I sometimes do this also. Ofcourse it’s nice if a women tries to have a nice conversation with us but a with lott of you the only reason you talk to us to get us to make a room and you are insulted that after your attention we don’t want to go to the room. So sometimes i do have a nice conversation with a women who approaches me but a lott of times i am very direct and say no because i don’t want this agrasive hunting while there is no change i gonto the room even if the lady would be very nice because she does not turn me on. It all comes down to the gut feeling if it feels like a lady just likes to have a conversation ok but unfortunaly with a lott of lady who start talking to us we only seem to dissapoint them if in the end we do not go to the room with them and have wasted their time. So for some type of women it’s beter we directly say know. I offcourse do not know to which category you belong.

Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk

de duisburg spesjalist
27 maart 2023, 18:00
Hello , I am Debora for the people who don’t know me I am a girl who workes in Sharks. You surprise me all the time when i get on these forums and read what you are posting here about my colleagues and sometimes about me. I see so many complainings about the prices and about the girls behavior but before to judge only these topics had you put only one time in the shoes of one of us? All of you want a “perfect” girl, perfect body, best service, and cheapest price … but what about you? How many of you respect the women ? Let’s talk a little bit about also the men that we must dealing with . Many of you became very rude . I go many times trying to start a conversation smiling and friendly and i do not have time to finish to say hello and the answer is directly no. After there are so many men that effectively stink , they probably have an allergy for water and soap and after come to us and say “ i want girlfriend experience with french kisses and blowjob without condom “ , scuze me but how do you expect from a girl to offer you this when you come dirty and you smell like an onion?? Have you ever tried to be gentlemen and make sure a girl is feeling also comfortable while she is with you ? Most of you see and treat us just as some sex toys you forget we are women. You expect best quality in exchange of what?

tijd voor een ip controle :grote grijns:

27 maart 2023, 19:04
Ooit gehoord van een vpn :kleine grijns:

27 maart 2023, 21:14
Ik vind 't verbazingwekkend dat een dvp een heel klaagverhaal kan ophangen zonder over 'grote anaconda's' en 'gevoelige tepels' te beginnen :biggrin:

Picasso 1
27 maart 2023, 22:19
Ik vind 't verbazingwekkend dat een dvp een heel klaagverhaal kan ophangen zonder over 'grote anaconda's' en 'gevoelige tepels' te beginnen :biggrin:
Het liefst had ze liever daarover willen klagen, daar komt ze echter onvoldoende aan toe door "de vele onbeschofte afwijzingen van stinkende klanten die hoge service verwachten bij hoge prijzen". :ledy-in-red:

27 maart 2023, 22:55
Ik lees nog wel eens de blogs van http://zondares.blogspot.com/ , en als die weer eens losgaat over 'hoe perfessioneel prostituees zijn' , dan vraag ik me altijd of in welke parallele wereld ze leeft. Srsly: ik heb de nodige kamertjes gemaakt, maar ruwweg een derde van de dames heeft werkelijk GEEN IDEE wat je allemaal wel of niet met een lul moet doen (gaan hard lopen sjorren, heeele matige pijptechniek, etc), de helft is 'best aardig maar ook niet bijzonder' qua sexuele kunsten, en zeg een handvol waren inderdaad de geroutineerde sex-amazones die perfect wisten hoe ze een man konden pleasen.

Sowieso: Debora klaagt hier over het gebrek aan een aanvangstpraatje, maar het aantal dvp's wat meteen de kleren uitdoet, gebaart dat je op bed moet gaan liggen en dan aan je halfstijve stok gaat sabbelen, ipv een paar minuten de tjid te nemen om alles teasenderwijs uit te doen: marginaal. Sterker nog, in dat eenderde van slecht sexende dames zitten er genoeg die daar helemaal niks van willen hebben, omdat ze zelf de controle willen hebben en je zo snel mogelijk de kamer uit moet.

28 maart 2023, 01:50
maar ruwweg een derde van de dames heeft werkelijk GEEN IDEE wat je allemaal wel of niet met een lul moet doen (gaan hard lopen sjorren, heeele matige pijptechniek, etc), de helft is 'best aardig maar ook niet bijzonder' qua sexuele kunsten, en zeg een handvol waren inderdaad de geroutineerde sex-amazones die perfect wisten hoe ze een man konden pleasen.

maar het aantal dvp's wat meteen de kleren uitdoet, gebaart dat je op bed moet gaan liggen en dan aan je halfstijve stok gaat sabbelen, ipv een paar minuten de tjid te nemen om alles teasenderwijs uit te doen: marginaal. Sterker nog, in dat eenderde van slecht sexende dames zitten er genoeg die daar helemaal niks van willen hebben, omdat ze zelf de controle willen hebben en je zo snel mogelijk de kamer uit moet.

Ho ho, er zijn al genoeg topics om over dames te klagen. Dit gaat over klagen over de mannen ;)

Als je een SC wilt waar ze allemaal weten wat lekker is met een lul moet je bij Theo's wezen. Daar hebben ze er allemaal 1 ;)
Maar net zo goed als dat een groot deel van de mannen niet weet wat ze met een poes aan moeten, geldt dat ook voor de dames. En in tegenstelling tot wat een hoop ijsberen geloven, bestaat er geen Oralski University waar de dames cum laude slagen. Het is allemaal 'praktijk onderwijs'. En de ene is daar beter/sneller in dan een ander. En ergens moeten ze beginnen.

@Deborah, welcome and your input is much appreciated.

It's true, that for most men the ideal situation is the highest result (good service) for the lowest cost (low prices). As it is true for the women with highest result (high price) for the lowest cost (low service). This is in general and of course there are exceptions and in practise we usually come somewhere in the middle, which is acceptable for both parties, or it's a no deal.

And I wouldn't want to put myself in your shoes. Those high heels are killing for the feel and back... I prefer to keep my comfortable flip flops/bath slippers ;)
But you are not the first and only working lady who complains about this. I recognise the explanations from the men above, about not wanting to waist a girls time (since she comes to talk with as goal to make a room and not just for fun). Also the mentioning of the rude approach and/or reaction after a decline by some girls and the mass amount of approaches in some clubs with many girls. Maybe 100 girls want to take a client to the room, and maybe he can come/cum with them 2, 3 times or. Depending on how fertile he is AND how fertile his wallet is. So in an unlucky situation he has to decline 99 girls. Maybe the first few refusals go in a respectful and gentle way, but the more nearing the 99 the less the patience of the men.
I do my best to keep a conversation short, as I also realise time is money for the girls. So I always accept an introduction, and keep a conversation to max 3 minutes if I don't think I want to go with the girl to the room. And yes, here come a few excuses you most likely have heard before: You seem like a nice girl, but I am in recuperation, I am enjoying a moment with a friend, I just finish eating (which is like always for those who know me...), and finish with something like IF I get into the mood I will look for you. AKA don't call us, we'll call you...

And for guys who smell... Some have natural strong odor. So it is a good thing that some clubs have deo spray or mouth wash in the changing room. As some men have a relationship and can't risk to bring these accesoires with them.
But if a guy neglects to use these or in case of a saunaclub to take a shower, shame on him.
So I usually even take a quick shower before going to the room (unless I very recently showered after sauna or something), and joke that I don't want to smell like a monkey. Most girls laugh about and appreciate it, and the girls I trust to be correct with the time can in the meantime go choose a key, but sometimes I also see girls who react like it's a waist of their time.
I also bring some tic tac (some girls told me Smint is too fresh for their lady parts), mouth wash and my own parfume. I even have a toothbrush with me if we spend the together. Because although it's no guarantee for a good room, at least I am not minus 1 in points for smelling like an onion, as you would say it.
Having said that, I have also encountered girls who smell from both 4 lips. And some girls gossip that some girl doesn't shower. Or girls that are in my suspicion to fast back in the bar after a room...

And about treating you as sex toys... I think it's all in the mindset. In some cultures people see women as inferior, especially women in this kind of occupation. Or that you are paid to do as they please, so they expect you to fulfill their wishes.
And the other way around, in some cultures like in Japan the servant is expected to be submissie even if a client is a bit rude. Such behavior is often swallowed (what's in a name :rolleyes:) for the sake of avoiding conflict, bad reputation, etc.
And all in exchange for... Indeed money...

Having said that, a working lady once said something like, I know where I am and what I am doing here. But that doesn't mean I can't behave like a lady.
To me, the same counts for men, to behave like a gentlemen and with some respect for the working ladies. As respect should go both ways in my humble opinion.

28 maart 2023, 13:40
Hello , I am Debora for the people who don’t know me I am a girl who workes in Sharks. You surprise me all the time when i get on these forums and read what you are posting here about my colleagues and sometimes about me. I see so many complainings about the prices and about the girls behavior but before to judge only these topics had you put only one time in the shoes of one of us? All of you want a “perfect” girl, perfect body, best service, and cheapest price … but what about you? How many of you respect the women ? Let’s talk a little bit about also the men that we must dealing with . Many of you became very rude . I go many times trying to start a conversation smiling and friendly and i do not have time to finish to say hello and the answer is directly no. After there are so many men that effectively stink , they probably have an allergy for water and soap and after come to us and say “ i want girlfriend experience with french kisses and blowjob without condom “ , scuze me but how do you expect from a girl to offer you this when you come dirty and you smell like an onion?? Have you ever tried to be gentlemen and make sure a girl is feeling also comfortable while she is with you ? Most of you see and treat us just as some sex toys you forget we are women. You expect best quality in exchange of what?

@Debora, to save the scrolling between messages I decided to quote you and provide my insights.

As I don't know you, I will not judge you personally and share my thoughts in a more general matter. Not limited to SC but also in real life, men are generally interested in women who are fit, feminine and friendly. In sharp contrast in this day and age, we see a lot of delusional women who are not fit, feminine and friendly but rather argumentative, combative and masculine. It's also a matter of your energy levels and body language levels you send when you are present in a SC trying to make some money for reasons that are beyond the scope of my feedback as I don't really care. When I am in a SC to relax, and my visits are very limited, the last thing I want are girls who show me masculine behavior in order to go to room and take my money and rob me from a satisfying experience. If I don't feel the vibe from a girl, then I gracefully reject them by saying 'No Thanks' as I don't want to waste their time either. And yes, the more masculine energy, the more stronger my response. I can follow you that having a bad smell may not be pleasant to have around. I agree that some effort can be taken to maintain hygiene, i.e. having shaved genitals. But it looks like people can complain about little things nowadays. And I fully understand that perfection doesn't exist, so I am not looking for it either. As for you, you are there by choice and can leave such places by your free will as there are many ways to make a living next to selling these services for money.

To summarize: Treat people like you want to be treated and I think it helps a lot to be fit, feminine and friendly. Or maybe this lifestyle is not for you...

28 maart 2023, 14:00
Ohh my god what did i started here . What i wrote about was not about all the men , of couse there are also gentlemen between some monkeys. The fact is many men changed when i started this job were more gentlemen then the men i was complaining, but in the last period this fact changed. I understand also you come in these places for relaxing and feel good but if you have a really bad experience with a girl why don’t you do something like go and speak in front at reception so like this you will keep in the clubs only girls who can really do this job instead to become rude from you bad experiences?

28 maart 2023, 14:07
And let’s talk about some times before , most of the men were coming here to spend time with girls and also they were approached them , now so many women runs after men and men are hiding from women … this shouldn’t happen in these places.

28 maart 2023, 16:30
Deborah, everything changed. There is a separate topic, Dutch, about this. Many years ago there were less clubs and people knew each other. Also male customers were different from todays male visitors. With change of opening times, loud music, and many other things there is clearly a different kind of male visitors in clubs then years ago. It also appears to me this came with a different attitude.
At the same time the attitude of many girls also changed. One of the reasons I do not go very often is this;
The game of seduction, showing interest has mainly gone. Only a few games seem to understand that some customers in clubs (as a golden rule, not the guys buying expensive bottles of Wodka to drink this with their group while being half undressed already) are there for the personal touch. Maybe you ae an exception... not sure since I do not know you.
Hey.. and different people different behaviour. I myself, I am always groomed, not overweight and a very frequent visitor of the gym. Maybe not all the men are like that. But that is the way it is. Can tell you also stories about 'ladies' with a smell or promises not kept or playing the game of stretching time.

Bottom line...it is what it is... You will not find a place filled with nothing but clean Brad Pitts... we will not find the perfect lady with the perfect service being available at any tome. But while you seem to be experienced, yuo may try a different club and always keep in mind; at the end of the day, you are independent and can make the call about going to the room yourself...

Picasso 1
28 maart 2023, 16:59
Ohh my god what did i started here .

You simply entered a bar full of loud talking people in which you decided to grab them all by the balls.

Picasso 1
28 maart 2023, 17:39
At least 18 men here seem to have liked the balls grabbing.


28 maart 2023, 17:43
You simply entered a bar full of loud talking people in which you decided to grab them all by the balls.

Dat is toch lekker goedkoop :rolleyes:

28 maart 2023, 19:44
Vind het wel knap dat iemand gaat zeggen dat ze zoiets in de club moeten houden en niet op internet moeten zetten anno 2023.
En dan ook nog eens zeggen dat je naar de receptioniste moet gaan als het je niet beviel.
Die lachen je vierkant uit, ze word immers betaald voor wat ze doet en niet hoe ze het doet.
En als het je wel bevalt mag je het zeker wel op internet zetten.

Als mij iets niet bevalt doe ik het gewoon niet meer of ik ga ergens anders heen.
En dit forum is opgezet als referentie punt voor de ijsberen, dus die zijn positief of negatief ergens over.

Wat een lachfilm dit.

Dus beste dame mijn mening , word wakker of ga bij Walt Disney werken

Meme Moo
28 maart 2023, 19:48
At least 18 men here seem to have liked the balls grabbing.


Maakt niet uit of het een fake- of echt bericht is van een DVP.
Maar er staan erg herkenbare punten in.

Of zie jij dat dan anders, P1?

28 maart 2023, 22:07
Hello , I am Debora for the people who don’t know me I am a girl who workes in Sharks. You surprise me all the time when i get on these forums and read what you are posting here about my colleagues and sometimes about me. I see so many complainings about the prices and about the girls behavior…………...All of you want a “perfect” girl, perfect body, best service, … Let’s talk a little bit about also the men that we must dealing with . Many of you became very rude . I go many times trying to start a conversation smiling …….and the answer is directly no. …... us and say “ i want girlfriend experience with french kisses “ …….. What i wrote about was not about all the men , of couse there are also gentlemen between some monkeys. The fact is many men changed when i started this job were more gentlemen then the men i was complaining,

Hello Debora,
as one of the three Sharks fans of this forum, let me try to give you an answer. It is not only the men who have changed, it is the club too. The first time I visited, we paid 50 per half hour. About two years before corona, it was clear that most ladies considered this too low. Thus, I expected it to go up. After corona, I expected it to be around 70, but there seems to be an agreement that it is now 100. OK, you are free to ask what you find reasonable for your service. We see that after corona the German stammies accepted this as the new price, but it changes the game. For 50 (or 70) you are willing to try out a girl but for 100 you indeed expect the perfect body, the good kisses, etc. Meaning: you look at the working women in another way (for the Dutch, you also know what is available for 70 in places closer to home). Despite my love of illusions, this is still in part a business.

And then we get a Sharks problem: even at the new price, you cannot expect all women to deliver a good room. Meaning, you have to go to the unpleasant questions in the talks to guess what it will be. And given that the price went up, there are now girls who want it to go even more up (I was asked 150 half hour twice last visit). Another Sharks problem: there are so many desperate for money women that you do not always feel like going over the basic talk again and again and again and again and again and again (also because some do not like it if you say no after a talk), especially with women who are not in your favorite type category. This hunting for money, with uncertain service means that I see the traditional / local visitor of the Frankfurt clubs moving around and not always being faithful to their club anymore. They miss the atmosphere from before (and there income has not doubled for the same hours worked).

In Sharks, these regulars are replaced by tourists. On the international forum, it is the most famous club, you do not see so many of them elsewhere. I leave it up to you to judge what kind of men these are and their manners, you see them daily. I also see that at the time I leave the club starts to fill with men from other backgrounds which some girls are not so happy with. Yes, they have replaced the Stamkunde in the later hours. You can tell us if these are better customers, you see them daily. In this way, the culture in Sharks is really different from the more regional oriented clubs in the North (and you do not need to walk naked if you move there)

So, the girls changed the rules, the men changed as a reaction, which makes the girls change. I have wondered since summer which new balance point the Frankfurt clubs will find in this new situation. Unfortunately, Sharks is not the club with a responsive reception. Yes, we look at it different: for me it’s a game, for you it’s a job. Feel free to say “hello I am Debora” next time I am in the club (I am still fan), and I promise not to say “NO” directly. I guess some other girls can confirm that I do shower.

cameltoe slide
28 maart 2023, 23:15
And let’s talk about some times before , most of the men were coming here to spend time with girls and also they were approached them , now so many women runs after men and men are hiding from women … this shouldn’t happen in these places.

Ohh my god what did i started here . What i wrote about was not about all the men , of couse there are also gentlemen between some monkeys. The fact is many men changed when i started this job were more gentlemen then the men i was complaining, but in the last period this fact changed. I understand also you come in these places for relaxing and feel good but if you have a really bad experience with a girl why don’t you do something like go and speak in front at reception so like this you will keep in the clubs only girls who can really do this job instead to become rude from you bad experiences?

Dear Debora,

a lot has changed since the last legal amendment in the year 2017. Each woman sets her own prices and her own service. There are no longer any uniform basic services and basic prices that are to be considered standard in a sauna club. What should I complain about at the reception and what effect would my complaint have today? Less than nothing. Because the business is between the guest and the woman who offers sexual services for money. Or would my complaint to the reception of Sharks about a woman have any effect? I experienced before 2017 at Golden Time in Brüggen that a woman had to leave the club after the third guest in a row had complained about her to the reception. Long time ago.

It is true that business has changed. Manners have changed depending on the door policy of the sauna club also the composition of the guests has changed. The scope of services inside the room is no longer uniform and must be discussed before the room begins. The general price level has changed, causing polar bears to ponder whether a spontaneous room makes sense or is just throwing money down the drain?Used to be nicer. In some respects, certainly.

We can no longer change anything about it. I choose the sauna clubs where I feel comfortable and get adequate service for my money. You, Debora, can choose which club you want to work in and with which guests. Try the Golden Gate in Grefrath and write us your opinion on whether only fragrant gentlemen with showered eggs are present there?

We chat quite nicely here. But we can't go back in time when everything seemed better, for them and for us.

I feel welcome to enter a bar with the other 17 polar bear colleagues, who gave you a like click and we are talking together and let you grab our balls. The famous painter doesn't come by because he describes only paintings here in the forum but has no balls to let them, Debora, grab them. What a pity, he doesn't want to play with us together.
:freu: ;) :freu:

29 maart 2023, 00:34
Ohh my god what did i started here . What i wrote about was not about all the men , of couse there are also gentlemen between some monkeys. The fact is many men changed when i started this job were more gentlemen then the men i was complaining, but in the last period this fact changed. I understand also you come in these places for relaxing and feel good but if you have a really bad experience with a girl why don’t you do something like go and speak in front at reception so like this you will keep in the clubs only girls who can really do this job instead to become rude from you bad experiences?

I have not been visiting the saunaclub as long as some of my collegues. But I also hear that before the saunaclubs were more like a cozy/familiar bar (a bit like what Bernds in Schiefferhof and Babylon in Elsdorf still seem to be), compared to many saunaclubs nowadays that look and feel more like a disco/nightclub. Both attract different kind of visitors.
In part I think you still see this difference between visitors that come relative early in the day (and often don't stay very late) and the visitors that come late in the evening/night.

And nowadays many clubs struggle to have 'enough' girls in the house, that some rarely decline girls entrance. But you have a point to address uncorrect behavior to the reception to at least give a club the chance to do something about it. But this motivation declines if you too often see it has no result whatsoever.
Often the clubs now hide behind the rules that the girls are independant. But good management imho dooes select which female guests they welcome, as well as which which male guests to allow entrance, with what kind of atmosphere they want in their club. And I am not talking about race discrimination or something.

To turn the table, some girls don't seem to (want to) understand that supplying poor service means no returning customers. They rather seem to go for a single big and/or quick grab, then to build up a list of regular clients. In some clubs with for example tourists from messe they have a big changing pool of clients that have low expectations and can do as they please. But they noticed once that stopped (because of corona ) or when the messe is over, their income diminishes.

And let’s talk about some times before , most of the men were coming here to spend time with girls and also they were approached them , now so many women runs after men and men are hiding from women … this shouldn’t happen in these places.

And it's true. I hear from girls that some men seem to make no rooms everytime they come. They have more interest for the sauna, gamble machines and the food (ahum, guilty as charged for the latter :redface:) than the girls. Personally I have a golden rule to make at least 1 room when I visit a saunaclub. Because otherwise it feels like visiting a restaurant without ordering something from the menu, if you know what I mean.
It doesn't help that often spending a whole day in a saunaclub (with the included food and drinks) like I do is less expensive than a day to a regular wellness/spa/thermen resort (where you pay extra for the food and drinks).
And with the change from the asmosphere of a brothel to a nightclub, some visitors come more to party with their friends, then having interest for paid sex. On contrary, some even invite the girls to have party with them in the room...
To me they better go to a karaoke bar or champagne club for this. Because I experienced that this attracts girls in saunaclubs who mainly want to party instead of having sex.
And often the changed public have need for different kind of sex. With all do respect, most of them seem to have interest for a quick release. While I think the majority of the older generation of clients seem to have more interest in GFE. So if a big chunk of the girls are looking for making quick releases, those GFE men are hiding away from the women.
Because in the past I hear from my older collegues practically no single girl was bad. Maybe not as good (yet) as some of her more experienced collegues, but you could almost blindly pick any girl and have a good time. And like what my collegue said, if it's not your type, the loss was only 50 euro or something. Now without negotiations you don't know what you gonna get or how much you pay. And for some 100 or 150 is just not worth the risk of trying. For me it personally isn't anymore. Besides I don't mind to return to the girls I already know. To be honest, I prefer to go to the girls that I know. I keep the variety by visiting a different club every week, and visit my favorits in each club.

29 maart 2023, 21:20
Debora heeft wel een beetje gelijk. Een anekdote:
Vroeger had Magum bij de kamers boven in een hoekje een verborgen douche cel voor 1 persoon. Toen ik onder de douche vandaan kwam, stond er een rijtje van drie dames op mij te wachten. Elk van de dames had een Arabier bij zich. De heren moesten kennelijk aan het handje naar de douche gebracht worden.

31 maart 2023, 19:13
Ze heeft helemaal geen gelijk.

Wij zijn dus allemaal kortaf en stinken allemaal naar uien.
Zij scheert alle heren oven een kam.

Hoewel wij maar 1 dame per keer in kwestie beoordelen

1 april 2023, 08:02
Godsamme wat maken jullie je druk.
Al die klapeksters roddelen over ons, zoals wij ijsberen dat over hun doen.
Een keer in de het hijgend hert tegen een dame gezegd dat een andere dame niet het type was waar ik snel mee zou gaan. Tien minuten later staat de betreffende dame voor mij en begint een preek af te steken dat ik haar niet zwart moet maken.
Dus zo snel gaat die tam tam....
Ik zeg maar zo.....Ze kunnen beter over je lullen, dan van je vreten.
En zolang ze over je lullen, leef je nog.

Herr Fick
1 april 2023, 11:19
... I go many times trying to start a conversation smiling and friendly and i do not have time to finish to say hello and the answer is directly no. After there are so many men that effectively stink , they probably have an allergy for water and soap and after come to us and say ...

Hello Deborah. I believe that many costumers just don't understand why saunaclubs in Frankfurt are double in price that clubs in NRW.

You also can say no to a costumer when he is too dirty. In case all costumers are dirty ... you do have a problem indeed.:rolleyes:

Asking more money from a dirty costumer however gives you a better income, but it is still a dirty costumer you have sex with.

I see many young and muscular guys in clubs who look clean (I don't sniff on them to find out if they smell bad of course), so you should be able to score some handsome clients and ... dear Deborah .. please don't forget that most of us don't make 100€ per hour and we also have to deal with nasty clients and do dirty work.

I wish you a nice continuation of your career with many rich, handsome and fine smelling costumers. :)

Picasso 1
1 april 2023, 13:04
Maakt niet uit of het een fake- of echt bericht is van een DVP.
Maar er staan erg herkenbare punten in.

Of zie jij dat dan anders, P1?

Wat je je zou moeten afvragen is, of wanneer er een damesforum zou zijn en een man daar geschreven zou hebben dat veel van hun grof zijn, stinken en zich niet als ladies gedragen, of dat bericht ook 20 likes van de dames van dat forum zou hebben gekregen.

Meme Moo
1 april 2023, 15:04
Wat je je zou moeten afvragen is, of wanneer er een damesforum zou zijn en een man daar geschreven zou hebben dat veel van hun grof zijn, stinken en zich niet als ladies gedragen, of dat bericht ook 20 likes van de dames van dat forum zou hebben gekregen.

Je gaat aan het punt voorbij.

Mij ging het om het feit dat er toch rake observaties zijn vermeld door de topic-starter.
En dan is het mij om het even door wie dat gedaan is.

En op jouw punt terug te komen: ik hoop dat dames ook in staat zijn om oprecht geleverde feedback te kunnen waarderen.

Met mijn eigen beperkte waarnemingen, zowel binnen als buiten dit wereldje, ben ik wel geneigd om te denken dat de meesten dat niet echt zullen doen. Overigens zijn de meesten die ik tegengekomen ben, niet grof en stinken ze niet. Misschien dat ik een gelukkiger hand van kiezen heb? :biggrin:

cameltoe slide
1 april 2023, 17:55
If there were a ladies' forum, in which a male guest would write that he experiences a multitude of female self-employed entrepreneurs in sauna clubs:

++ whose physical appearance (their visual beauty) is not really sexually stimulating,

++ whose professional clothing leaves something to be desired visually and they appear unkempt,

++ whose knowledge of the English, Dutch or German language is insufficient for practising the profession,

++ who appear disinterested, shy, arrogant or even annoying during the contact phase,

++ who offer a very limited service without usual services such as French tongue kisses,

++ who wear unpleasant perfume or make-up.

++ who obviously do not take the time after a room with a guest to clean up and wash themselves again

++ who do not offer the agreed service in the room and do not keep the agreed time

++ or shine by disinterest and passivity in the room and look at messages on the smartphone while the guest kisses and licks her labia,

I'd also be curious to see a reaction from the ladies' forum. Most likely I will get recommendations to sauna clubs or invitations to get to know better service. ;)

Polar bears here in the forum are very tolerant of descriptions of unpleasant work experiences, because in our professions we also experience enough unpleasant customers whom we have to kiss asses for business reasons without actually having to hold out our anus rectally. Perhaps we react in a much more relaxed and tolerant way than the virtual ladies' forum? Also on 1 April ;)

3 april 2023, 20:36

5 april 2023, 22:12
If there were a ladies' forum,

As far as I know the working girls only have WhatsApp Group where they gossip about clients and possibly collegues as well...

7 april 2023, 12:26
As far as I know the working girls only have WhatsApp Group where they gossip about clients and possibly collegues as well...

NEEE HE????:hammer::hammer:

5 mei 2023, 18:27
As far as I know the working girls only have WhatsApp Group where they gossip about clients and possibly collegues as well...

Sorry I've arrived rather late to this conversation.
Here are my 3 Eurocents worth.
1) Debora should be thanked for expressing what the majority of her colleagues think. I was a ver frequent visitor to GT before the pandemic and got to know a number of the ladies there very well. They would largely agree with her sentiments
2) I would strongly suspect this is her writing and not a translation programme. As a native English speaker, I think I can tell the difference
3) Back to my GT experience. The two major things the girls look for from their clients (apart from the money!) is respect and good hygiene. I have always attempted to provide both.
4)They have a very tough job. Can you imagine having to pretend you find, for example, a naked Angela Merkel attractive and spend an hour with her making passionate love as if she were your best girlfriend?
5) To Debora; there are few clubs where complaining to reception will make a difference. It did work at GT and does work at Globe in Zurich. Sharks was/is notorious for indifference at reception about anything relating to the club. Basically they don't give a shit about customer complaints.
Finally for Forum members who can be bothered to read English. There is a forum run by Escorts in the UK where they discuss client issues. A different environment to FKK clubs but some common themes. It makes a fascinating read for anyone who, like me, still makes frequent usage of their services. https://saafe.info/main/index.php