Volledige versie bekijken : Finland, Helsinki Erotic Club Alcatraz.... Victoria's escape from Alcatraz.

4 juni 2007, 00:02
Victoria from Ukrainia - Escape from Alcatraz.

Gusto sloot enige tijd terug een bericht onder Erotic Club Odal in Reykjavik als volgt af;
“….Een van de dames die het spel erg gewiekst speelde was Daniëlla.....Een Finse schone die later op de avond nog wel héél indringend nieuws had voor Gustomass…..

Gustomass heeft daarop menig traantje weggepinkt, maar….was het van verdriet….., was het van blijdschap …….of was het van beide een beetje.......

De lezer die zich de moeite heeft genomen tot hier te geraken zal het opvallen dat het verhaal nog weinig van doen heeft met de gekozen titel. Maar wat in het wat zit verzuurt niet.

Wordt vervolgd.....”

Nou, hierbij dan het vervolg..
Omdat al Gusto’s kontakten met Victoria in het Engels waren en omdat hopelijk zij zelf nog eens op deze recensie zou kunnen stoten, ga ik vanaf hier in het Engels verder.
Maakt een en ander nog realistischer.

The story commences during my visit to Erotic Club Odal in Reykjavik at may 16th 2007.

......Yes indeed, I did get news from Daniella.
I had already been watching this Daniëlla for quite some time. She had been flirting with one young guest, who apparently was not aware of what was going on. She did it with a friend of hers. This guest was treated in a very special way, he will probably never forget this event, if only for the amount that will be deducted from his bankaccount one of these days.

Later that night there was a very nice stripact by no one less then Miss Daniëlla. She was from Finland, as I found out later. I tipped her and I thought that would be it for the night.......but .after quite some time she grabbed all her guts and walked out on to me all from the bar. That was a very nice vieuw..after all, the ladies in this club are just gorgious for their looks, one by one really beautys, almost models...
She kindly asked if I would appreciate her company. Well who would I be not to let her and let her take a seat right next to me. That was fine with me, so I really got a good chance to get to know her better......and not only her.....

“So you are from Finland.? That’s nice, very nice....!!!” ”Yes from Helsinki” “Yeah right, I have been there quite a few times. Do or did you also dance in Finland??” “Oh yeah sure, why are you asking??” “You’re not gonna tell me that you did dance in Helsinki??” “Sure, I have danced in Club Alcatraz, do you know that Club???” “ Do I knów that club Daniella, you are asking me, do I knów that club??!! Sure I know that club. “ She had been dancing there for some years now but she quit there recently. “Well, then I really dó have a question that I really would like to asl you.........Do you happen to know a dancing girl over there, a very little girl wearing very long black hair?? “ “Oooh, you mean Viktoria, you know her?? !! “ “ Do I know Viktoria?? Yes sure!!”
Daniella; “Viktoria is my best friend in Helsinki, I last met her just few weeks ago. So you know her as well!!”
“I know Viktoria since 2002 , spingtime 2002. I was there for my very first visit for business ( and pleasure ofcourse) She happens to be one of my first striptease experiences. And what kind of an experience with this little lady. Now I am becoming a little emotional, please forgive me. She always was, still is and always will be my all time favorite. Viktoria’s performance was so special, so deep, so good, so unforgettable. She is the one and only”

Daniëlla explained that Viktoria was doing fine now, very well indeed. But she also quit dancing in Alcatraz, only few months ago. The club was not so good anymore, some things had happened and she had decided to quit definitely.
“So she finally managed to escape from Alcatraz.........” Daniella agreed.

Now I had mixed feelings. Very mixed indeed.
I see Viktoria’s quiting in Club Alcatraz as Victoria’s Escape from Alcatraz.
She had been dancing there from early 2002, that is over 5 years now.
Knowing how she felt and how she experienced dancing in club and living the life she lived, she is now set free from all of that. She is free now, at least I hope...I hope she has managed to break away from the tangles of this business..

But who is Victoria.?? I am happy to tell you..

Victoria is a special girl. She is small, little, tiny and very easy to bend.
She dances like no other dancer in the whole world, at least that is in my perception.
I already described this in one of my previous reports, but that might well have been in the other Hookers forum. Must be wiped by know already.
I saw her first performing in Erotic Club Alcataz in April 2002.
Visited the Club just for a few hours then and I was struck by this little girls’ performance and personality. Usually every evening there were 3 or 4 girls dancing in turns. They used to make 2 dances on a stage positioned in centre of the bar. Guests came slowly on to the platform in order to be as close as possible, when Vikctoria was announced by the DJ. When Victoria was dancing, you had to be quick to be in front in order to have a good vieuw. Mostly I took a seat already some time before and just awaited her performance.
During her performance everybody had only eyes for her. It was silent, the music was playing loud and clear. It was here that I got to know and got to like Moby, his first released CD. She choose some tracks that she had mixed by the DJ in a very nice way and she danced on this. Heavenly, like in paradise, goddelijk, like an Angel was dancing. She swung around the pole, she climbed it, she let herself come down slowly, gently, teasing, erotic, very gentle, very nice. She never looked into the public,into the guests eyes, at least not in the beginning, she never looked in guests eyes, like Tina Turner is stating in Private Dancer song. No, she always was looking close and far away at the same time. Later, when we got to know one another a little better, she sometimes looked at me, very short, very brief, but very meaningful. It was like she rewarded me , simply with “just” a glance in my direction, with a little eye contact. How deep, how heavy, how meaningfull, such a rare glance, a glimpse can be.!! These glances of hers were so rare, that they were upgraded to very high value, of supervalue to me at least.
As we got to know each other a little better and as she was always dancing in her same way, I appreciated and enjoyed her dances very much. But she was a good teaser, sometimes slightly unfriendly, a little stubborn and she coul be very closed if she did not have her day. She had emotions and she did not make many efforts to hide them. This was Viktoria.
Once I came in the club rather late, she came on to me and smiled a little and said. “You’re too late know, I already danced on Moby” She was not gonna ask permission to dance again. Some times, very rarely, she choose Moby a second time when she was dancing her last performance way after midnight. During many performances she many times made me really cry, made tears coming into my eyes and I just let them flow, I let them come down freely. Like a child in trance. It was so beautifull, so emotional, so perfect, it was so Victoria.
In her first years she was wearing here straight hair very, very long, all the way down to her waist, the tips reached her bottom, her hips.. Later she cut off part of it, I did not like that but......there was no way back......
Gusto likes girls with long hair, especially when they are dark brown or even black. Victoria has real black hair, very nice, very very nice.
It was this hair she perfectly integrated in her show, like no other dancer could.
She swung around her hair, like in a caroussel. Around and around and around, until she made you become dizzy, but not her, she was stable. Then she sat down, sat around the pole, her long hair all around her, spreaded all around in such a way that she herself was completely invisible, out of sight. Everything, her whole little body was then covered with a curtain of .......long black hair......everything hidden under hair. Imagine, imagine, wish I could have taken a picture. I once tried but I did not dare to actually do it. It is strictly forbidden. I also once thought of picking up her pants, that she always left on stage while making her round collecting her tips from guests. That job was best to do immediatly after the performance since many people wanted to sneek out in order not having to give a little tip. Oh how tight these Finnish are......
But I did not take her pants, the only thing I have of her is a matchbox and a small part of a cigarrette she has been smoking in my company. And a small receipt , for the drink I bought at her last visit.
Victoria made me cry many many times. Mostly when she was dancing, I remember once she was dancing, late at night, closing time at 03.00 in the night. Not many guests left anymore, and 2 of her friends, collegue dancers, they were sitting left and right of me on the bench.
The performance by Victoria as usual was just perfect, and she made me cry and the little girls they, they supported me. They smiled and they understood, they knew my feelings, my adoration for this little girl form Ukrainia.
In those years from 2002 till 2005 I have been talking to Victoria many times.
She was and I guess still is very special. She is a somewhat difficult to approach. She plays cool, she is cool, she wants to keep a distance( Tina Turner- Never look the men in their eyes..) .
But, we always exactly noticed how we were feeling and how things were. She nor me did try to hide our feelings , our emotions and our state of mind. It was pure, real.
Many times when talking to Victoria, she really was quite deep into a dip. Then we were sitting at a small table, talking very little, we did not need many words, we just tried to support each other. Several times this support was just crying over the sorrow she was going through. This helped, after this she always felt a lot better. You can not image how great a feeling it was in those encounters with her, that she really wanted to share her emotions with me. These moments were quite rare and seldom. She was playing cool and kept distance most of the time, but sometimes I was dealing with the real Victoria, then she let herself go quite far. Oh my God, this felt good, very good, to the both of us.
Through all these encounters one can really find out what it is to be a dancer in a Helsinki Nightclub, coming all the way from Ukrainia, being all by yourself in Helsinki, far away from home. This during already 4 years when I last met Victoria in August 2005 . Her life in Helsinki was nothing special ,but returning to Ukrainia was no option anymore either. In fact she did not have a home, or a goal where she wanted to end up. In fact she was homeless and this feeling she radiated, in our talks, and ...in her dances... They were so real, so dramatic and beautifull at the same time. They were so full of emotions, emotions that I knew about but most guests did not have a clue. I take it most guests just don’t care a bit. They are there to watch some girls dancing, having a drink and picking up a hooker and pay 150 to 200 Dollar for just one hour of fun....
No most guests were not aware, but I was.....That felt good, very good. Knowing about the sorrows in the life of this little lady, blackeyed, black hairs long like never seen before.
Her dances they were just an ultimate expression of .......Victoria.

Last time I visited the Erotic Club Alcatraz, I announced my visit quite far ahead on the internetsite of Alcatraz. I just wanted to make the chance meeting Victoria over there as big as possible. Since on internet the club no longer put the scedule of the dancers, like they did before when club business was still going well.
I did visit Alcatraz, and guess who was dancing ......yes, Victoria, a little bit my Victoria, at least for the night, because she told me that she read the e-mails to the club and there she found out that I was going to visit her..... Good that I had not changed the day of visiting.
It was beautifull and a very good final show and encounter of the two of us.
This time I ordered her a drink, that was in this club a new way to “buy company of a girl”.
This was very good and gave us so much, but this was still the same as always.....Victoria in all her characteristic way of being Victoria.

Now, almost 2 years later, I am visiting Iceland and here in Reykjavik some dancing girl, Daniella from Finland is giving me the latest details on Victoria....
The world is small sometimes, very small.

But, Ok with mixed feelings, Victoria did quite Alcatraz and as I presume, she also quited dancing. She is now in her early Thirties, something you would not believe when you see her performing.
She is now picking up her normal life again. That’s just perfect.
Ok it is a pitty that I will never again see her performing, never see her giving all she got in her heavenly dances. That’s the past now, there is an end to everything in life , also to these perfect dances. But they are still there in my memory and hopefully I can pick them up from there for a long time.
Yes, I am very happy that she finally quit the club, that she managed to work herself loose, that she has managed to free herself and that she can make a brandnew start. A brandnew start of a new life. I will not be part in that new life of hers. That is OK, I thank God I was so lucky to meet her, to get a chance to see her dancing and to get to know her. That’s is the luck I have had.
No, Victoria can make a new life...Victoria finally made a very succesfull Escape from Alcatraz.....

Victoria , from here, from an internetsite in Holland , I wish you all the best in your new life, all the best , take care and make something beautifull out of every single day, every single hour out of every single moment..... They , these moments are the bricks that when put together will build your new life.
Thank you very much that you gave me by making all those almost countless performances on stage and in the bar. These dances where heavenly, Thank God I was there to witness all this BEAUTY. Thank God that you also were able to enjoy your dancing, because that’s what you did.
No one could have done what you did, if not enjoying it the way you enjoyed it. You have been dancing in this Erotic Club Alcatraz from 2002 till 2007, that is almost 6 years.
Gustomass was present many nights during 2002 till the last visit in August 2005.
Never before and as I take it never in the future will I get to see this kind of dances .
This was so unique , one can not and one would not want these dances again.
That is just a once in a lifetime-experience, but it was there to last for over 4 years, 4 beautifull years.

Victoria, Thank you so much, thanks a million...Victoria.....
:freu: :freu: :freu: :D :D :D :happy: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :aola:

Gustomass, more happy then ever before.......

4 juni 2007, 03:30
Beste Gusto,

Normaal ben ik niet zo kapot van jouw verhalen, maar dit vind ik een van de beste van het hele forum! Zoniet het beste!
De balle, Kidman

29 september 2008, 21:43
Hoi beste Touristen,
ik gaa volgend maand naar Helsinki.
Heeft er iemand een tipp voor me.
Geen escort aub, beter Sauna.
Bedankt al voor jullie hulp.

11 april 2009, 21:08
Gisteravond in Reykjavik nog een alleraardigst meiske :D:Duit het Oost-Europese Hongarije gesproken.
Nog even aan de praat geraakt over Finland. Ze was daar op vakantie(..) geweest en had geprobeerd te gaan "dansen" in Club Alcatraz.
Ze had helaas geen respons op haar aanbod gekregen. Don't call us, we definitely won't call you....oftewel, hoe je simpel je club om zeep kan helpen.

Omdat het al weer bijna 4 jaar geleden is dat Gustomass een bezoekje bracht aan deze club, en omdat er zeer binnekort weer een bezoekje aan Helsinki en dus aan Alcatraz in zit, maar eens hun website erop na geslagen...klopt er is helemaal niks, maar dan ook helemaal niks meer aan veranderd.....zou dat in werkelijkheid met de club en zijn danseressen ook zo zijn????.....dan zou allerliefste en mooiste en beste stripdanseres ever in Gusto's life er nog zijn....Victoria uit de Oekraine...
Nee, Vicky zal er niet zijn, dat is vrijwel zeker, hoewel..het bloedt kruipt waar het niet gaan kan ....
Mocht Victoria er zijn dan zal dat een welkome afwisseling zijn op al die Saunaclub en Partytreff Tsunami's die Gusto sinds zijn vorige bezoek heeft weten te doorstaan....
Time flies......daar helpt geen vliegemepper aan....

is er iets nieuws te melden dan zal uw cor-eros-pondent u dat niet onthouden....

to be continued...
